Capturing Memories You'll Cherish Forever
Star Productions
Wedding Videography & Photography
Your Storyteller
Star Productions Media provides artistic wedding videography and wedding photography services in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont and around the world.
Our wedding videos are notable for their vibrancy, movement, and ability to preserve cherished memories. We combine our years of experience with a passion for storytelling to create visual memories you'll treasure forever.
We Offer Wedding Day Services To Enhance The Best Day Of Your Life
Our wedding videography style creates a movie-like experience of you entire wedding day for you and your loved ones to cherish forever.
Our wedding photographer will take stunning wedding images that will capture moments that will last a lifetime that you will be able to share with family and friends.
Audio Guestbook
A phone audio guestbook could be the ideal choice for you if you want to give your wedding guest book a technological touch.
Photo Booth
Having a photo booth at your wedding is a terrific way to ensure that you receive authentic and funny photos of all of your guests.
Select The Option Of Adding
Wedding Photography
We have unique partnerships with amazing talented wedding photograpers that will allow you to combine our wedding video service with wedding photography.
We Will Capture Your Moment Of
Your wedding day will feel like a whirlwind of emotions, filled with joy, anticipation, and love. Every moment will feel like a dream when you stand by your partner gazing into their eyes while surrounded by your closest friends and family. It will feel like time stood still because we will capture every single moment for your to relive every day of your life.
"Nisi voluptatibus molestiae tincidunt magna curae magni recusandae commodo potenti dolorem ridiculus! Iusto facilisi, repudian."